Before you execute your GTM Plan (also referred to as a Go-To-Market Plan), be sure to set objectives for the marketing programs or campaigns you use to attack the market. With specific, concise, and well communicated objectives, you’ll have a better chance of realizing your goals and objectives.

When you first start out, you may be tempted to set objectives that are loosely defined. For instance, I wanted to see our site become the “go-to” business website for sharing best practices among professionals. Looking back, that’s a pretty lofty goal to achieve. Now, the site is focused on helping small business professionals get started on their marketing efforts and providing services if needed.

Setting objectives isn’t easy

Keep in mind that factors such as budget, the stage your business is in (start-up vs. well established), and business environment will contribute to the success or failure of your program, campaign or initiative. Plus, the tools for attacking the market vary in their effectiveness so setting clear, concise, and realistic objectives isn’t easy.

Let’s get started

Determine what your primary goal is.  For instance, you may want to:

  • Build the Sales Funnel
  • Increase awareness or increase referrals
  • Offer a platform for sales and delivery, education, and/or lead generation

Determine the tools or vehicles needed to help you meet your goal.  Once identified, you can set clear objectives for each tool, marketing program, or company initiative.

Write down your objectives.  Each objective should support the goal you set.  Try your best to make sure:

  • Every objective you set is attainable, has a measurable result, is easy to understand, and is relevant to the current business environment or organization implementing the identified task.
  • Budget requirements and estimates are known and assigned to individuals for accountability.
  • Resources (personnel, vendors, technology, etc.) are identified, available, and capable to accomplish specific tasks or results assigned.
  • Incentives for obtaining results are incorporated and communicated to ensure all are motivated to stay on task.
  • A time frame for each deliverable or milestone is  assigned to specific parties or individuals to ensure accountability.
  • A tracking process or method is in place to ensure objectives are revisited and reset if the campaign strays or market dynamics change.
  • Results determine successes and areas for improvement so that future outreach initiatives or go-to-market plans  do better over what was previously achieved.

The more specific you are in setting your objectives, the easier it will be to implement your plan and determine when adjustments or contingency plans are needed. Over time, your ability to set detailed objectives will be refined, and you’ll have a better chance of obtaining the results you desire.

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