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We know you probably receive a lot of email, and we don’t want to add to your clutter.  Our newsletters are sent monthly.  They’re easy to read and scan for tips and resources that may be of interest.  On special occasions, we may send out announcements or news when warranted (but you’ll have to indicate that you’re interested below).  If you wish to receive information from 3rd party affiliates or sponsors, please let us know that too.  We’re happy to facilitate sharing their information with you, but we will not provide them with your contact information.  See our privacy policy for more information.

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Remember, if you have a tip or resource you’d like to share, let us know.  If appropriate, we’ll be happy to include it in our next newsletter and give you credit if it’s ok.  If you would like us to link to a third party source, please be sure the information is free and personal information isn’t required to gain access.  If you have an article to share, even better.  Simply follow our submission guidelines, and we’ll include a short description of it in our newsletter, linking back to our website where your full article will be displayed.

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